Earlene Walker Stand On NO! STOP! DON"T DO THAT! For child Abuse To help put a curve in saying when a child is reaching out. reach back and save a child.
A child may seem to be quiet and not talking hiding their fear and pain when ask what's wrong. They may be in fear of being sent back to the place where the abuse happens where it is dangerous and unsafe. Connie Johnson feared if she would tell, nothing would have been done because the laws wasn't implemented when she was a young girl no one did anything about it there was nowhere to go for help.
Some children have no structure, no guidance, or protection they feel unloved, alone and afraid. Some are left to defend for themselves. No supervision leaving a child to make bad choices. And when they are raging out of control, they cannot understand why they are feeling neglected, separated and rejected. It can get out of control their behavior patterns change they have no respect for authority or parents. Connie Johnson because of her mother's death she was left in an unlicensed group home where the child abuse was so horrific and terrified. Her heart had a void of emptiness that could not be filled. when there is a decision to leave a child in these types of group homes is putting a child in an unsafe environment and in harm's way.
With Connie she was not taken out of the group home. When she did wrong or not, she would get horrible beatings the Doctor of her own wounds 'there was no laws she said' The child abuse she had was severe beatings, sexually molestation at an early age. Making her feel worthless, isolated, violation of her privacy her innocence was taken away by a grown man she felt alone, No one reach out or reach back.
PHYSICAL ABUSE: Broken Bones, Burns, Beatings SOCIAL ABUSE: Isolation criminal confinement MENTAL ABUSE: Controlling, Manipulation Tactics, Low Self Esteem SEXUAL ABUSE: Bad Touch to private areas and other parts of body EMOTIONAL ABUSE: High Level of stress and anxiety depression making one feel worthless name calling. FINANCIAL ABUSE: Conceal information, limit accessibility reduces family Finances. NEGLECT: Ignoring. Humiliating. imitating and isolation
Isolation, withdraw, some children do not like to play scared of other children bumping into them causing more pain to their wounds. they withdraw to the place that is comfortable to them. fear of talking about what happen to them telling anyone what happen to them.
They may get teased, or some get bullied from other children because they are weak from the abuse and refuse to participate in certain activities and they pamper their hurt inside. not sharing their feelings. The more we talk to our children about what is making them feel sad or hurt. Then we can help them by implementing more laws more stagey to help put a curve on any type of child abuse
Not wanting to leave from the place where they feel safe and protected. Staying late. . low poor concentration sometimes unable to keep up. They have anxiety of what will happen when they return to that unsafe place. Some are very smart and make excellent grades. Some Don't. Scared of failure.
MENTAL ABUSE Any type of child abuse can lead up to different types of mental disorders.
Some children have no structure, no guidance, or protection they feel unloved, alone and afraid. Some are left to defend for themselves. No supervision leaving a child to make bad choices. And when they are raging out of control, they cannot understand why they are feeling neglected, separated and rejected. It can get out of control. It can lead to Drugs, Alcohol Guns, violent crimes long prison sentences and sometimes death. They have no respect for authority or parents. when there is a decision to leave a child in these types of group homes is putting a child in an unsafe environment and in harm's way!
With Connie she was not taken out of the group home she was left in. She would get horrible beatings. The Doctor of her own wounds 'there was no laws she said' back then. The child abuse she went through was severe beatings, sexually molestation at 10 years old Making her feel filthy, worthless, isolated, violation of her privacy her innocence was taken away by a grown man she felt alone, and no one could be trusted. No one reach out or reach back. Connie said when kids are left alone to make choices in this day and time it is way too hard for a young child to figure it out by themselves!
Child Abuse can sometimes repeat a Cycle going into young adult hood called Domestic violence the patterns and cycle is all they know. When a child is reaching out don't say they are bad. and out of control
They are asking for help something is wrong!
When a child is reaching out Sometimes there is no one to reach back. REACH BACK AND HELP SAVE A CHILD!
Connie Johnson A survivor of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence, Connie’s mother passed away when she was six years old. Forcing Connie to be put in a small unlicensed group home for many years. It was there when Connie received horrific abuse and beatings with extension cords, locked in basement, rape, molestation and unbelievable wounds and scares that was hard to heal. There was no structure she was left without guidance, protection, support, love and food Connie was left to defended for herself, making some wrong choices and decision in her late teenage years she found herself in a long-extended stay of Domestic Violence that almost took her life. She gains strength from being determine of having hope that one day it would end, she left that environment and life changes became strong for her. She fights in every way to bring awareness to others who has gone through such crimes, she said it is a crime for anyone to put their hands on another using physical abuse ,verbal abuse, and mental abuse When she look back on the anxiety, the depression and the rage of madness that her abuser inflict on her she began to research and found that it was a part of a physiological disorder that took a rage out against her. Using her symptoms and signs of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence which helps her to know she is able to reach out. Connie Johnson states she will always bring awareness and she will never stop trying. Connie is using her signs on Domestic Violence Awareness She is saying NO! STOP! DON”T DO THAT! for child abuse and Neglected children The NO! is for Stop don’t hurt me, No means NO! STOP. Which means STOP! DON”T DO THAT! Means think first before you move forward. Connie always say THINK FIRST before putting a child in harm's way such as some unlicensed group homes like Connie’s She is determine to share resource's that are available and her story in helping to give awareness to others. For this reason Missing Pieces Publishing is Recognizing Connie Johnson for her encouragement, determination and constant fight to bring awareness on Child Abuse, Child Neglect and Domestic Violence.
Dial 211, or if it is an emergency please call 911 Missing Pieces Publishing is a Company that writes books about Child Abuse, Child Neglect, and Domestic Violence is taking a stand to say NO! STOP! DON"T DO THAT! National network to end domestic violence http://nnedv.org/getinvolved/dvam.html Indianapolis, Indiana Police Department for restraining orders National Domestic Violence Hot line 24 hours 1-800-799-7233 National Coalition Domestic Violence Joyful heart
Domestic Violence laws Most of the laws relevant to domestic violence and sexual assault are based on state law. This includes restraining or protection orders, divorce, custody, crimes, and more. There are also federal laws that may be relevant to your situation, including immigration, firearm and military laws.
Resources: 1-800-799-7223
Coburn place safe haven (317)-923-5750
Beacon of hope center for woman Crisis Hotline (317)-731-6140
NOTICE: What;s going on with abused Children EVALUATE: Look for Signs and Symptoms CONQUER: Stop! Help! Fight! to Prevent Child Abuse
Child Abuse Julian Center (317)-920-9320 Channel 13 News Indianapolis, Indiana is partnering with prevent Child Abuse, Kids can't wait and shattering the silence. 1-800- CHILDREN
WRTV 6 NEWS- Indianapolis Fox59 New- Indianapolis and All other TV stations in Indianapolis
Indianapolis Police Department
Riley Child Development Center Phone 317.944.4846 And IU Health Child protection program services
Methodist Hospital
St, Vincent : Child Protection center Peyton Manning Childrens Hospital have lot of recourse and links here is the website http://peytonmanning.stvincent.org/content.aspx?p=116
Department of Child Services 1-800-800
To all other if you see it, hear it, REPORT it. You may be saving a life